Opportunities in the Brazilian Market for Medical Products and Devices

The market for medical products and devices in Brazil, estimated at R$ 8 billion (US$ 4.5 billion) continues to expand. From 2008 to 2009 the market grew by 6% and is expected to increase by more than 10% in 2010 according to estimates by ABIMO - Brazilian Medical Devices Manufacturers Association1. The optimism of the industry takes into account the prospects of growth in the Country, which might surpass 6,0% this year. In the pharmaceutical market for example, predictions point to a 13% evolution in 2010. Trade balance figures show that in 2009, Brazilian exports totaled US$500 million, while imports reached US$2.7 billion; a significant deficit. Public purchases represented 21,5%, private sector 68,6% and exports 8,8% of the market, respectively The conclusion that Brazil is already a key player continues to gain traction in the international market. Last year, Brazilian companies were able to close deals with buyers from Ukraine, Poland, Romania and Moldavia, as well as registe...