The banalization of market research in Brazil

The banalization of market research in Brazil By Marcelo Sicoli* Over the past several months, observing some market research companies at work and some of them quite large, one immediately notices the banalization of market research in Brazil. The need for cutting costs within the market research segment, has resulted from a desire to maintain profit margins, while maintain pricing structures at a level at which the contracting parties abroad were accustomed (willing) to pay at the time of a strong dollar. However, particularly in the well known area of cash incentives for research participation, I see the market working at unrealistic and less-than-professional levels. Such an example is depicted by the studies requested by the pharmaceutical industry, well known to invest a sizeable portion of its revenues in market research and clinical trials. As the industry views the Brazilian market, the world’s eighth largest in pharmaceutical sales in 2008, it frequently wants to coll...