
Mostrando postagens de agosto, 2016

10 Practical aspects in the purchase of real estate

10 Practical aspects in the purchase of real estate  * Marcelo Sicoli For the realtor starting in the profession, multiple contacts, offers and interactions of potential customers who seem absurd, or so-called "outliers" are actually much more common than you might think. In many buyers is a marked lack of information on the variables involved in the purchase or rental imóveis.Vale mention that to practice, they completed technical course, have professional record, a peculiar knowledge framework and own dissemination channels. The realtor is essential character in the real estate transaction process. Without it, the experience can be disastrous! Some customers who venture in this process are disappointed deeply. Resorting to a skilled professional increases the chance of making the most quiet, fast and successful experience. Destacas real estate sector entities have drafted useful and concise manual with tips for shoppers. Overall, however, Brazilians have no habit of ...

Interview to Journalist Sofia Fernandes on 29/07/2016

Interview to Journalist Sofia Fernandes  on 29/07/2016 I'm looking for information on the housing market from Brasilia to a story. As I am still in investigation stage, still do not know exactly what will be the main focus. My curiosity leads me to the following questions: BY Marcelo Sicoli * Director of Sindimóveis (Labor union for real estate agents in Brasilia). * Is an international consultant, realtor and building manager of a commercial building (southwest clinical center in Brasilia). His opinion is PERSONAL AND AUTHORITY OF ANY unlinked THAT IS ON E-MAIL: 1) With so much coming and out-workers in the federal capital, there is a lot of turnover of real estate? YES. With the downsizing of public administration announced the new president, and consequent reduction of ministries and commissioned positions, in fact, most commercial buildings occupied by public bodies will be returned and more residential properties as well. However, especially f...

Entrevista a Jornalista Sofia Fernandes em 29/07/2016

POR Marcelo Sicoli *Diretor do Sindimoveis. * é consultor internacional , corretor de imóveis e síndico de prédio comercial no Sudoeste em Brasília-DF. Sua opinião É PESSOAL E DESVINCULADA DE QUALQUER ENTIDADE A QUE ESTEJA LIGADO e-MAIL: 1) Com tanto entra-e-sai de funcionários na capital federal, há muita rotatividade de imóveis? SIM. Com o enxugamento da máquina pública anunciado pelo novo presidente em exercício, e com consequente diminuição de ministérios e cargos comissionados, de fato, mais prédios comerciais ocupados por órgãos públicos serão devolvidos e mais imóveis residenciais também.  No entanto, especialmente para imóveis unifamiliares(kitnets, apartamentos pequenos e flats) a demanda é sempre alta. Como investimento é melhor ter 4 kitnets de R$250 mil do que um apartamento de R$1 milhão. 2) Vocês têm uma ideia da taxa de desocupação dos imóveis em Brasília? Onde essa desocupação é mais concentrada?  Comercial ou residenc...