10 Practical aspects in the purchase of real estate

10 Practical aspects in the purchase of real estate 
* Marcelo Sicoli
For the realtor starting in the profession, multiple contacts, offers and interactions of potential customers who seem absurd, or so-called "outliers" are actually much more common than you might think. In many buyers is a marked lack of information on the variables involved in the purchase or rental imóveis.Vale mention that to practice, they completed technical course, have professional record, a peculiar knowledge framework and own dissemination channels. The realtor is essential character in the real estate transaction process. Without it, the experience can be disastrous! Some customers who venture in this process are disappointed deeply. Resorting to a skilled professional increases the chance of making the most quiet, fast and successful experience.
Destacas real estate sector entities have drafted useful and concise manual with tips for shoppers. Overall, however, Brazilians have no habit of reading, despite the purchase of a house or even property investment often represent savings of a lifetime.
The broker is the person most familiar with the real estate market. Some general tips:
1) Make sure that you are dealing with a realtor duly registered in CRECI of their status. Common in the Federal District, the intermediation of third-party real estate by non Realtors is configured for illegal exercise of the profession and crime in some embezzlement cases.
2) There are neighborhoods consolidated in the Federal District, with excellent infrastructure and good location, however do not fall in bank funding rules of the major financial institutions (Caixa, Brazil Bank, Itaú, Bradesco, Santander etc.). Often for not being legalized and do not have scripture, has "assignment of rights". The overwhelming majority of condominiums in the Botanical Garden, Vicente Pires, Polo Guara fashions for example. So if you want to seek finance other neighborhoods.
3) The websites of major banks bring financial calculators where you can make simulations that give an excellent direction. Enter your age, marital status, income, balance of FGTS, amount available for entry and go testing different periods: 10, 20 or 30 years to see the amount of the installments. In this activity that takes a few minutes on the computer, many are surprised to see that they should seek property with lower price, you can dream higher than initially planned or let's face it, postpone the dream of home for a few more years. Remember that the more money the view can give input, less money will have given the bank at the end of the period. You can compose income or even use the FGTS all members who will reside at the property.
4) Proposed exchange lots, rural real estate, real estate in other cities or countries, boats, aircraft, used cars for real estate has very low probability to succeed. Tip: selling their assets in their respective channels, raise money and resume contact. Change a property for cash is much easier to measure, evaluate and streamline trading.
5) This property is "small." 25 m2 and 200 m2 are fixed variables, and obviously observed in all districts. A property of 35 m2 X neighborhood will have the same size in Y. neighborhood Search for a larger property, or that best suits your financial situation.
6) Many buyers-sellers, or those who need to sell a property to buy another overvalue the liquidity of its property (speed on sale) and many times its value. There are cases where sellers-buyers future that already engage in marathons calls and visits and are frustrated when faced with the reality of the variables mentioned: it takes to sell the property and low interest in the offered price. A good broker can price properly and use professional techniques to boost sales. The higher the sales value of their commission naturally. But the pricing terms in "off the market" ultimately balk sale. On the other hand there are also significant costs in the transactional process: mobile, internet, fuel, banners, paid ads, professional photographers, many operating costs etc. The deal has to be good for sellers for those who purchase and who will put the pieces together.
7) Be methodical in the search. Create spreadsheet or write down in a notebook, homeowners who are interested, to whom and when we called and details obtained from the contact and visits. Optimize time and avoid rework.
8) Schedule visits only after winning the steps above. Think about times and days you can meet. In case of withdrawal, briefly report by phone, e-mail and today the popular whatsapp. There is a great amount of interactions via email, which are NEVER answered by interested parties. Respect the work of those who live "in" and "the" real estate market.
9) Give the exclusive broker of your choice. Many homeowners are "burn" in the market to have several real estate advertising. The lack of owner commitment inevitably generates motivation on the part of brokers. After all, large investment of time and money can be made for "other" close the deal.
10) In the face of all the security and convenience, be sure to leave your property for sale or rent with a realtor, is a highly cost-effective investment.

* Marcelo Sicoli - is an international consultant, realtor and liquidator in the Clinical Center West in BSB. contact@enterbrazil.com

Key-words(Palavras-chave): Imóveis, imóvel, financiamento, financiamento imobiliário, corretor de imóveis, CRECI, casa própria, sonho da casa própria, CAIXA, CEF, Caixa Econômica Federal ,, imóvel residencial, imóvel comercial, investimento, investidor, casa própria


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