Interview to Journalist Sofia Fernandes on 29/07/2016

Interview to Journalist Sofia Fernandes  on 29/07/2016
I'm looking for information on the housing market from Brasilia to a story. As I am still in investigation stage, still do not know exactly what will be the main focus. My curiosity leads me to the following questions:

BY Marcelo Sicoli * Director of Sindimóveis (Labor union for real estate agents in Brasilia).

* Is an international consultant, realtor and building manager of a commercial building (southwest clinical center in Brasilia). His opinion is PERSONAL AND AUTHORITY OF ANY unlinked THAT IS ON E-MAIL:

1) With so much coming and out-workers in the federal capital, there is a lot of turnover of real estate?
YES. With the downsizing of public administration announced the new president, and consequent reduction of ministries and commissioned positions, in fact, most commercial buildings occupied by public bodies will be returned and more residential properties as well. However, especially for single-family properties (Kitnets, small apartments and flats) demand is always high.
As investment is better to have 4 Kitnets R $ 250 thousand more than an apartment of R $ 1 million.

2) Do you have an idea of the unemployment rate of real estate in Brasilia? Where that unemployment is more concentrated?
Commercial or residential? In commercial real estate in the south and north wing, the so-called master plan the unemployment rate reaches 25% motivated by lack of parking, unrealistic rental values, lack of public safety, growth of online commerce and greater preference for shopping centers for a large range of products.

3) What are the periods of greatest demand for rental, and what are the most widely targeted sites in the city - inside and outside the master plan?
It depends on where the person will work and also income. We know there are people moving daily from around the DF to work in the center of Brasilia. Sometimes a more expensive rent, to be closer to work, can financially compensate in fuel economy (transport in general), time and improved quality of life.

4) What is the most expensive square meter of Brasilia?
The DMI-VivaReal index shows the average price based on your portal made ads. Note that ad values are very different from the actual values in which transactions are being realized. Southwest in the Third Quarter of 2015 had the price of R $ 9,685 and North Wing then to R $ 9,000. Always frieze customers that the variable "square meter" is too cold to encompass the complexity of variables involved in pricing a property. In the same building there are several realities, as free cash or not, high floor, condo infrastructure, number of parking spaces, proximity to attractive trade and urban parks, level of renovation and finishing etc.

5) How do you and your team evaluate these new real estate projects in the city, such as Northwest, opened this time low in the market?

I think there is now much more supply than demand in the DF. Especially in commercial property, in a universe of over 10 years I do not see that existing commercial buildings or even the several planned launches will find buyers and / or especially occupants. Pessimistic may seem, but there is no need for new commercial buildings in the master plan there including (South Wing, North Wing, Southwest and SIG). In the Southwest and SIG, there are several modern buildings, whose vacancy rate is huge. Homes are rented time at symbolic prices to the tenant pass to afford the annual property tax and condo thus exonerating the owner. The trend is that the selling price of real estate to fall significantly, as other investment categories offer increasingly higher returns on invested capital.

Data released by official agencies indicate significant housing deficit in Brazil. In the Federal District, however, I see that with the emergence of an entire neighborhood as the Northwest, there is no need to create new districts facing the middle class or high average. The trend is that Northwest prices will be stable for many years, after passing through expressive value falls in the last 10 years.

In the commercial segment, I see that especially architectural firms, advertising or law has migrated to the comfort and privacy of homes in South Lake;


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